Surgery Details

Telephone Number01324 822 330
Email (for pictures)
Out Of Hours111

Residential Care

Stoneywood01324 824 015
Tygetshaugh01324 508 833
Wheatlands01324 814 561
Hospice01324 826 222


Denny Pharmacy01324 357 760
Boots Pharmacy01324 820 625
Pines Pharmacy01324 824 044

Local Surgeries

Treatment Room / Health Visitors / Physio01324 827 400

Hospital Contacts

Forth Valley Royal01324 566 000
Falkirk Community01324 624 000
Stirling Community01786 434 000
Golden Jubilee0141 951 5000
Western General Edinburgh0131 537 1000
Western Infirmary Glasgow0141 211 2000
Beatson Clinic0141 301 7000
Kings Park Hospital01786 451 669
Alzheimers Scotland0808 808 3000
Bowel Screening Helpline0800 0121 833
Breast Screening (Edinburgh)0131 537 7410
CRUSE0845 600 2227
Emergency Dentist08448 006 886
FDAMH01324 671600
Maternity Booking01324 567 146
MATS Physio0800 028 0073 (Code 269036)
Termination of Pregnancy Line01324 673 555
Podiatry01324 692001
Practitioner Services0131 275 7459
ReACH01324 673 733
Social Work01324 506 070
Change Grow Life01259 726 602
Travel Clinic01786 845 542