Appointment System
Denny Cross operate a mixed telephone and face to face appointment system. If you have a routine problem, you are able to book to see a doctor usually within 2 weeks however if your problem is more urgent you will receive a telephone triage and may then be offered a face to face consultation.
If you call for an on the day urgent triage call, you must be available to answer your phone when the GP calls and possibly be available incase you are asked to come down to see the doctor.
You must arrive on time to your appointments or you may be asked to reschedule.
Who should I see?
The practice has GPs, ANPs, GPs in training, junior doctors and practice nurses. We also have other allied health professionals for example, mental health nurses, advanced physiotherapist, pharmacists and welfare advisors who are also able to help and assist you.
Virtual appointments
At Denny Cross, we offer virtual appointments. This is a safe and secure way of consulting with any clinician. We use a system which is recognised by NHS Scotland. You will be sent a link by your consulting clinician and you can use this service on a computer or mobile. To find out more, please click here. You can also watch this handy video by clicking here.
Self Referral Services
There are many self-referral services within Forth Valley who are able to help you directly without having to contact the GP surgery. Below is the list of some of these services:
Patient Hospital Appointment Line
If you would like to confirm, cancel or reschedule an appointment, please contact this service directly on 01324 566 249
Breathing Space
This is a direct service to help you with your mental health. Please call 0800 838 587
Stop Smoking Service
If you want to stop smoking but you are not sure where to start, please contact this service on 01786 433 294.
Patient Transport
If you would like to arrange transport to a hospital appointment, please contact 0300 123 1236 for advice.
Termination of Pregnancy
You are able to self-refer to the NHS Forth Valley termination of pregnancy service. Please call 01324 673 555.
Maternity Booking Line
You can book your appointment directly to see your midwife if you are newly pregnant. Please call 01324 567146
Musculoskeletal Help Line
If you have a musculoskeletal problem, you are able to directly contact the NHS musculoskeletal service on 01324 673 890.
Central Sexual Health
NHS Forth Valley offer free sexual health care for all patients within Forth Valley. They are able to test for STI's, pregnancy, free condoms and all forms of contraception, you can book your appointment directly by calling 01324 673554
Repeat Prescriptions
The practice offers a repeat prescription service; you are able to manage this either by speaking to one of our reception staff, leaving a message on the voicemail service by calling the usual surgery number which is 01324 822330 (option 1), you can also email your prescription request to prescription.orders25173@nhs.scot or there is an electronic way of doing this online however you need to register this with the reception desk. Please allow 5 working days for a repeat prescription to be processed as there is time required for the admin staff to select the medication, the doctor to review and sign the medication and the chemist to then issue the medication.
In regards to acute prescription requests, they may take slightly longer as the admin staff are not authorised to print these off and these do need to be passed to a GP or pharmacist here at the practice to be re-authorised.
Sick/Fit Note
If you feel you require time off work you are able to contact the reception and request a sick line. Please give brief details to your problem and depending on the information provided and the available information in your notes, you may or may not need to see a clinician.
Contraception with the practice
The surgery runs a coil and implant clinic, please book a routine appointment to discuss this further with Dr Colette Williams.
Private Sector
Denny Cross is happy to support patients requesting health care via the private sector however, although we provide all NHS service we are not under any obligation to follow any requests from the private health providers. Please read this document for more information.
Travel & Vaccinations
The surgery no longer provides any advice regarding travel or vaccinations. There is an information website provided by NSH Forth Valley which is Travel Health Service – NHS Forth Valley Travel Vaccinations. There are also other travel clinics locally who may be able to help you with your travel queries.
Gecko Travel Clinic Stirling & Dunblane – 01786 845542 / 07769 182357
Ochilview Travel Clinic Falkirk – 01324 715876